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Frequently asked


  • Why can't I buy books from Read & Found Books directly?
    Our goal is offer a wide selection of books by authors of color directly to our customers some day soon. Until then, support our vision by using our affiliate links to make your book purchases. We earn a small commission when you do so, bringing us closer and closer to our dream of opening a physical location one day! Learn more about our affiliate marketing program by visiting our Shipping & Returns page.
  • What is Read & Found Books all about?
    We're an independent online used bookstore that exclusively offers books by authors of color. You'll find all sorts of books in a variety of genres in our ever-growing collection. Right now, we provide links to popular retailers where you can make your purchase. Support our goal of opening a physical bookstore location by using our links to make your book purchases!
  • Why do you only offer books by authors of color?
    There are so many phenomenal books out there by people of color, and sometimes they are hard to find at your average bookstore. We wanted to provide a platform for authors of color to get the visibility and attention they deserve.
  • What if I need to make a return?
    While we strive to recommend only the best books and retailers, we do not handle the sale, shipping, or returns of any products. Once you’ve made your purchase, your transaction is with the retailer, not with us. If you encounter any issues such as delayed shipping, damaged goods, or if you need to make a return, it’s important that you contact the retailer directly. They are the ones who will have all the details about your order and will be best equipped to help you. Typically, retailers will provide customer service contact information on their websites or in the order confirmation email. Visit out Shipping & Returns page to learn more.
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